Guest Star
Designers and artists

Flora Mottini is a swiss artist based in Geneva, born in 1985. After graduating from a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts at ECAL (Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne), she continued to work for two consecutive years before pursuing a WorkMaster at HEAD (Haute Ecole d’ Art et de Design, Geneva). She is currently finishing her studies in order to obtain her license as a pilot of handcrafted spaceships.

Her work - essentially pictorial - revolves around the notion of immersion, landscape and horizon; like a poetic and utopian space through which one must learn to navigate.


Flora Mottini is a swiss artist based in Geneva, born in 1985. After graduating from a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts at ECAL (Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne), she continued to work for two consecutive years before pursuing a WorkMaster at HEAD (Haute Ecole d’ Art et de Design, Geneva). She is currently finishing her studies in order to obtain her license as a pilot of handcrafted spaceships.

Her work – essentially pictorial – revolves around the notion of immersion, landscape and horizon; like a poetic and utopian space through which one must learn to navigate.